marble - Product Cluster Blog Search less, play more! ❤ Sat, 05 Mar 2022 17:00:23 +0000 de-DE hourly 1 marble - Product Cluster Blog 32 32 Most likely it was the doll. Tue, 22 Feb 2022 10:12:14 +0000 Dorothy Gish with friend” (about 1920) It is assumed that toys have been around since humans existed, made from the materials of the time. We may assume that the first ones were made of straw or wood, which would have been the first materials that could be shaped and worked. This was followed by stone […]

The post Höchstwahrscheinlich war es die Puppe. first appeared on Product Cluster Blog.

Dorothy Gish with friend” (about 1920)

It is assumed that toys have been around since humans existed, made from the materials of the time. We may assume that the first ones were made of straw or wood, which would have been the first materials that could be shaped and worked. This was followed by stone and clay or clay-like materials and certainly also bones. With the refinement of the tools and the technical knowledge, the toys will have been refined continuously, that is how they developed, proven by the finds and the history that we can still reconstruct.
These finds come, for example, from children’s ditches of the Stone Age, where the named stone was worked into a tool, which in turn could work other materials, such as softer rock, wood, and bone. The Stone Age began about 2.5 million years ago. Among these archaeological finds was the recurring doll, so we may assume that this was the first toy, the replica of oneself or even animals, as can be seen in the historical wall paintings. Since the fire had not yet been invented as a controlled element, clay and loam sculptures will have weathered throughout millions of years; at that time, it could only be dried in the sun; naturally occurring fire, still mainly seen as a danger, will probably have been avoided.

Vermutlich vor 1,8 Millionen Jahren fing der Mensch an, das Feuer zu benutzen.Er war noch nicht in der Lage es selbst zu entzünden, vielmehr wurde das natürliche Feuer aus Vulkanen oder Blitzschlag verwendet und gehütet. So wird man dann auch rasch gelernt haben, Ton und Lehm zu brennen, was sich aus den Funden der Nahrungszubereitung und der körperlichen Entwicklung des Menschen ableiten lässt. Spätestens da entstanden langlebigere Figuren und sicher auch komplexere Spielzeuge. So wurden Reifen, Trommeln und Pferdefiguren gefunden. Insbesondere Funde aus der Hochkultur Ägyptens zeigten, wie detailliert diese Spielzeuge aussahen, später auch versehen mit beweglichen Teilen. So sind uns aus der Kultur auch viele Spiele überliefert, die noch heute gespielt werden, darunter Brettspiele und Würfel, sicher auch viele Spiele, die die Geschichte vergessen hat.

Fast wie gestern, demnach vor 32000 Jahren, lernte der Mensch, wie er selbst Feuer erschaffen konnte. Vermutlich durch Try-and-Error stellte er fest, dass Pyrit und sogenannter Feuerstein ein Funke erzeugt, wenn er richtig angeschlagen wird. Beide Minerale sind hart, wobei der Feuerstein etwas härter ist, eine Klasse weicher als Halbedelsteine, aber dazu noch piezoelektrisch, das bedeutet, dass er bei Verformung eine Spannung, also einen Funken erzeugen kann. So dauert es dann noch bis 8000 vor Christus, dass erste Metalle geschmolzen wurden und sicher auch dann Metalle Einzug in die Spielzeuge hielten.

Da es nicht jedem vergönnt war, mit Metallen umzugehen, ist zu vermuten, dass es nicht mehr an der Fingerfertigkeit der Sippe lag, qualitative Spielzeuge herzustellen, sondern Spielzeuge auch unterschiedliche Werte aufgrund des Materials bekamen. Damit wird es angefangen haben, dass verschiedene soziale Gesellschaftsschichten oder Länder auch unterschiedliches Spielzeug zur Verfügung hatten.


Eine orangefarbene und weiße Zahnpastamurmel von Supportstorm

Erste Glasfunde stammen aus 3500 vor Christus, wann wurde wohl die erste Glasmurmel hergestellt?

Since until about 700 B.C. people probably only bartered, we have to assume that toys have also been traded since time immemorial.
Around 200 B.C., the first mass productions took place on a large scale, which is substantiated in the history books by military evidence, but certainly also found its way into other everyday areas. At some point, toys could also be mass-produced and offered.

Since this blog is about educational toys, the question may arise as to when the first educational toy was created. This may have a lot to do with when a person was seen as a resource or was still allowed to develop out of play. What is meant by this? If, as has been documented, a child has to do full-time work by the time he or she is four years old, it can hardly be expected that creative play was possible for this individual. The play was a luxury for some children and young people. But it is conceivable that for many, their own drive to make or refine their own toys could already be seen as learning toys. Be it the doll’s dress, an accessory, learning and developing out of play. The posts about Klemmbausteine gibt ein paar Verweise auf moderne Lernspielzeuge, so auch die Experimentierkästen aus unseren Tagen.

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The post Höchstwahrscheinlich war es die Puppe. first appeared on Product Cluster Blog.

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