Bricks - Product Cluster Blog Search less, play more! ❤ Wed, 26 Jan 2022 19:35:36 +0000 de-DE hourly 1 Bricks - Product Cluster Blog 32 32 Building blocks around the railway track Wed, 26 Jan 2022 12:57:58 +0000 First and last railway system After starting an introduction of building blocks, here are some deeper views into a subcategory, the trains. By the way, there is a post about a train model, the BR 650 diesel powered railcar, too. But let’s begin with some facts. A manufacturer of building blocks dominating the market for […]

The post Klemmbausteine ums Bahngleis first appeared on Product Cluster Blog.

Erstes und neuestes Gleissystem

Nachdem ich mit einer Einführung in die Klemmbausteinebegonnen habe, gibt es hier einige tiefere Einblicke in eine Unterkategorie, die Züge. Übrigens, es gibt auch einen Beitrag über ein Zugmodell, den BR 650 Dieseltriebwagen, too. But let’s begin with some facts. A manufacturer of building blocks dominating the market for a long time introduced a railroad system in 1966, unfortunately a stepmotherly segment. Since ever, the system consisted of a single circle radius, straight rail pieces and a switch, fortunately matching the existing track curve with its counter switch, thus the mirrored switch. It is then also called a left or right switch. That’s it in terms of tracks.

Dann gab es noch über die Geschichte hinweg verschiedene Systeme der Elektrik. Angefangen mit 12V Technik und Schienen mit zwei Mittelleitern zwischen den Gleisen, so war der Anfang. Es hatte Vorteile und Nachteile.

The system was followed by current-carrying rails, i.e. one connected to the positive pole, one to the negative pole. The voltage was then simply tapped there. Nice, because it was closer to the original than the additional inner conductor rails. Negative, this applies to both track systems, because when you build a terminal loop (i.e. a circle that leads into one entrance and exit), you cause a short circuit in the tracks if you don’t insulate them. Even if they are only insulated, the vehicle would stop there because the voltage has reversed polarity to the direction of motion, so the motor then backs up or simply then stops on the insulation. This can be solved by track areas, which are then reversed in polarity accordingly, or one builds no terminal loops, as it was normal in former times at the end of a streetcar line, because one simply had not built two driver’s cabs into the streetcar. Simple way out: stub track with buffer stop and a track change for the opposite direction.

Continuing with the building block tracks, then they went from 12V to 9V, which made it possible to use battery technology. This also eliminated all current-carrying rails, the entire track could be made of inexpensive plastic. The control then took place with an infrared interface, which works quite well in the apartment and outside the tunnels. Tunnels are bad anyway, then the train is no longer in the field of vision… Currently, the train is operated with Bluetooth, i.e. from a cell phone app, so the kids have enough arguments to occupy themselves more with the cell phone. Some manufacturer offer remote controls. But also this has advantages, that more than one person can play on a course at the same time and interactively. A place for the battery must then also be found, so is the control module and since the passenger trains are also equipped with interiors, the block is occasionally disturbing.

Beleuchtetes LEGO Creator 10277 Schweizer Krokodil

Beleuchtetes LEGO Creator 10277 Schweizer Krokodil

One existing constant is the track gauge. With five studs spacing these tracks are constructed, so a 40 mm rail to rail pitch. This results in a track gauge of 37.5 mm. The real of the major railroads, USA and Europe occupy about 40% of the world’s rail network, use the “standard gauge” 1435 mm. As interesting for models are then still the countries of the former Soviet states to mention, which use a wider track, but also “only” around 85 mm, which is in the context of this topic rather minor. Some of you will now say, but I was driving on the famous this-and-that line after all. It must be admitted that smaller countries very often import train material, so the “upper part” is identical to others. The narrow gauge is to be omitted from this post once completely. This then results in a fixed scale of 1:38.267. If we take another look at the original, we can roughly say that a standardized passenger car in Europe is about 3 m wide and 4 m high, these are the UIC-X. Twin-deck cars, modern cargo cars, still take a special position in the dimensions. This would result in a stud width of 10 studs. An express train car would have a height of 10.8 unit bricks. It is to be anticipated, nobody produces this so far, but it is the model fidelity of the front view. As frequently implemented in modeling, especially the long wagons are shortened. Who has at home also the possibility to reproduce a 200 m radius to scale. Märklin got away with shortening the cars by 20 % for a long time, which is a sensible compromise on compact and narrow layouts. So it is then also with the rolling stock of the building blocks, length reductions, so that the optics is not completely lost.

What is available on the market… The visually valuable models of the Lego company, whose target group is the older ones, use a stud width of seven for the detailed Swiss crocodile, 6 for the rather boxy Santa Fe diesel locomotive and 8 for the Disney train. So it’s all there, but you still want it to fit on the table, the length of the Santa Fe is about impressive 45 m.

Hier eine Tabelle der am Markt verfügbaren Klemmbausteinzüge, absichtlich werden keine Hersteller genannt.

Größenverhältnisse und Modelltreue von Klemmbausteinzügen

Zu finden sind in den ersten Zeilen der Tabelle die schon bekannten und erwähnten Größen und Beziehungen. Die Originale sind außer farblicher Hinterlegung in der Zeilen dann noch in den Dimensionen von Millimetern aufgeführt, bei den Modellen die Auflösung in Einheitssteinen (Noppen und Bausteinhöhe, also 8 mm und 9,6 mm).

Die Spalte Ratio(H/W) beschäftigt sich mit dem Verhältnis von Weite zur Höhe. Der Mittelwert liegt bei den Originalen etwa bei 1:1,34, die Werte der verschiedenen Fahrzeuge liegen eng beieinander. Es gibt einen Hersteller, zugegeben, es liegt derzeit nur ein vergleichbares europäisches Modell vor, da weicht das Modell nur 4,6 % ab. Aus eigener Anschauung kann ich feststellen, dass das Modell das Original sehr gut wiedergibt. In einem YouTube Video erkannte ich die V200.1, was bei der DB der BR221 entspricht. Das Video zeigt ganz eindeutig, dass das Modell viel zu hoch geraten ist, die Tabelle bestätigt, über 20 % zu hoch, gleiches gilt für den VT11.6 (BR601/BR602). Der “Rheingold” Wagon ist mit 17 % ebenfalls zu hoch geraten. Die V100 gibt es in zwei verschiedenen Weiten, 6 Noppen und 8 Noppen, man kann gut erkennen, dass hier die 7 Noppen die richtige Wahl gewesen wäre, bei gleicher Modellhöhe.

Das erklärt dann den Fall, warum einige der Bauer die Modelle in der Weite mühsam anpassen. Mühsam, weil manche Grundplatten extra für das Produkt in der angebotenen Weite produziert werden. So sind auch Züge mit unterschiedlichen Weiten schlecht kombinierbar, da die Ansicht doch leidet. Eine Harmonisierung wäre hier von Vorteil, das haben die hart konkurrierenden Anbieter von Modelleisenbahnen schon sehr früh geschafft.

Es bleibt spannend. Wie sind Eure Meinungen zu diesen verschiedenen Modellen? Hinterlasst gerne einen Kommentar dazu.

The post Klemmbausteine ums Bahngleis first appeared on Product Cluster Blog.

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Building Blocks & Construction Blocks Fri, 31 Dec 2021 16:08:03 +0000 How might the triumphal procession of the white coloured building block made of hard plastic have taken place? How could the grey ones conquer the world? It is a fact that in the UK, the psychologist and inventor Hilary (Harry) Fisher Page invented the first construction block between 1937 and 1940, and in 1940 he […]

The post Building Blocks & Construction Blocks first appeared on Product Cluster Blog.

Wie mag sich der Siegeszug des weißen Klemmbausteins hergestellt aus Hartkunststoff abgespielt haben? Wie konnten die Grauen die Welt erobern? Tatsache ist, dass der Psychologe und Erfinder Hilary (Harry) Fisher Page invented the first construction block between 1937 and 1940, and in 1940 he registered it’s related patent. It is also a fact that from 1940 the UK had to deal with the problem of the Second World War so that further patents followed only in 1947, 1949 and 1952. In the chronicle of his company Kiddicraft, it says: Mr. “Page became deeply troubled with these pressures on the business and feared a total collapse of the company. Tragically, he committed suicide on June 24, 1957.”

Es ist auch davon auszugehen, dass ein inzwischen weltbekanntes Unternehmen diese Noppensteine übernahm und damit weitaus größere und langfristige Erfolge erzielte. Deren Patent wurde 1958 in Kopenhagen angemeldet. Es ist auch ziemlich sicher, dass eine andere Firma aus dem Vereinigten Königreich, die 1997 unter dem Namen Best-Lock, learned about Mr. Page’s patents, which, after many court decisions, made it possible for them to establish themselves on the building block market, and nowadays even more companies. However, it must be admitted that since then the boundaries between the monopolist, which has been working in peace for many years, and the newcomers, which can no longer be bitten off, are still being defined in detail by the courts.


1944: Erstes Hilary-Page-Patent, früheres Design (erteilt 1947)

Die lange Zeitachse des Plagiats

What always underlies all disputes is unauthorized copying. The word plagiarism is now on everyone’s lips. Molds of terminal blocks are pirated, for example, but construction plans are also copied. There is patent protection for certain functions of clamp building blocks, i.e. not its shape, but its intended use. You will notice that sounds like a complex matter. On the positive side, so far no child has been convicted for using their own creativity to create something that has already been patented.

Of course, plagiarism is already an issue with the big competitors, especially since massive sums of money are involved. On the one hand, for example, a European manufacturer pays for the rights on Star Wars to the current copyright holder Disney, on the other hand, its own development costs and sales shortfall. There was a good example of a Chinese company dedicated to the Star Wars product series, where you can hardly distinguish what comes from which manufacturer, if not different logos and details in the outer packaging would allow conclusions. I don’t think we need something like so etwas in Europa brauchen, oder?

Anker "Steinpalast"

Anchor “stone palace”

Die Wurzeln der Steine

Es gibt Meinungen, die besagen, dass die Inspiration der Noppensteine in den Anker-Steinbaukästen liegt, die seit 1995 wieder produziert werden. Der berühmte Pädagoge Friedrich Fröbel legte Kindern geometrische Formen vor, mit denen sie ihre Kreativität entwickeln sollten. Keine Geringeren als die weltberühmten Brüder Gustav und Otto Lilienthal erfanden und vermarkteten die Bauklötze zusammen mit dem Baukasten im Jahr 1879. Die Bauklötze halten sich nur durch ihre Reibung und Schwerkraft. Wahrscheinlich waren die Brüder, wie viele andere Erfinder auch, ihrer Zeit voraus. Mangels guter Vermarktung verkauften sie die Idee an Friedrich Adolf Richter, der sie dann ab 1882 patentierte und in Thüringen mit erfolgreicher Vermarktung produzierte. Die Produktion der Anker-Steinbaukästen überdauerte die beiden Weltkriege bis 1963. Die heute noch expandierende Produktion gilt als preisgekröntes Lernspielzeug.

At present, we tend to see the negative things that could have been done better in the age of industrialization that actually took place, from today’s perspective. We have become accustomed to the inventions from that era in everyday life. But the negative was due to the existing system of the time.

Der Fortschritt in der Technik erlaubt es heutzutage auch feinere Strukturen herzustellen, so dass zum Beispiel Modelle wie der BR 650 Dieseltriebwagen naturgetreu nachgebaut werden können, auch im Format von Klemmbausteinen.

Könnt Ihr Euch rückblickend vorstellen, wie aufregend die Jahre der Industrialisierung gewesen sind?
Bitte hinterlasst gerne Eure Kommentare.
Wie seht Ihr die Problematik des Plagiats?

The post Building Blocks & Construction Blocks first appeared on Product Cluster Blog.

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