Living around Hamburg, one may ask itself, what are the children's flea markets available? Perhaps an open market to find or negotiate toys? Thinking of that, we've gathered those options there. Sometimes there are not many events easy to be found online. Please, write us if you know of further flea markets which are not published online yet. However, this time we've even found a model train flea market.
Independently if you are a new parent or how old your child is, it's definitely worth it to have a look. We like not only to promote but engage such local events. With less strict rules, it's easier to find the right price for you. Specially, if your budget is child-size. 🧒🏻
With some opportunities laying around, be sure to check the dates before driving to the event, as they may change regularly. Get ready, drive safe and enjoy the unique shop experience which is a flea market. Hereby we listed flea markets for toys and children in Hamburg and surroundings.
If you're interested in local alternatives for shopping, you could have a look in our series.
Not just there, this post will be updated from time to time. Please, let us know in case something changed suddenly! Also feel welcome to write to us about other events of flea markets for toys and children, so we can update this series and others get to know about it.
Independently if you are a new parent or how old your child is, it's definitely worth it to have a look. We like not only to promote but engage such local events. With less strict rules, it's easier to find the right price for you. Specially, if your budget is child-size. 🧒🏻
With some opportunities laying around, be sure to check the dates before driving to the event, as they may change regularly. Get ready, drive safe and enjoy the unique shop experience which is a flea market. Hereby we listed flea markets for toys and children in Hamburg and surroundings.
Flea Markets in Hamburg for Toys & Children

© Renate Messing

- „Baby-Floh“ Baby- und Kinder-Ausstattungs-Flohmarkt
2. Parkebene, Alte Holstenstraße 30, 21031 Hamburg
- Sortierter Kinderkleider- und Spielzeugmarkt
Paul-Gerhardt-Kinderhaus, Friedrichsgaber Weg 319, 22846 Norderstedt
If you're interested in local alternatives for shopping, you could have a look in our series.
Not just there, this post will be updated from time to time. Please, let us know in case something changed suddenly! Also feel welcome to write to us about other events of flea markets for toys and children, so we can update this series and others get to know about it.